19-21 Finwood Park, Belfast, BT9 6QR Tel 02890808850    Email: taughmonaghforum@outlook.com


Taughmonagh Policing & Community Safety Partnership 
(Probably one of the safest housing estates in Northern Ireland)
Taughmonagh  Policing  and Community Safety Partnership was formed to help make the Taughmonagh area a safer place for everyone. Approx 8 years ago residents had had enough of anti-social behaviour, drug dealing and other crime occurring in this area and to this end our policing and community safety partnership was established as a means of developing and promoting stronger and accountable relationships with the police, council and housing executive.   
The partnership is  designed to raise local residents awareness of crime and anti-social behaviour in this area and to work in partnership with Police and other agencies to prevent it The partnership provides local community representatives and residents with a forum of accountability with Police,NIHE, Belfast City Council and other relevant agencies. 
Regular partnership meetings allow for consultation, prioritising and monitoring of police performance in the Taughmonagh area and, with the support of Belfast Policing Partnership, we can ensure that local views or concerns associated with policing are expressed at the highest of levels within the South Belfast Policing command structure.

Anti-social behaviour is not solely a Policing issue, the Housing Executive and Belfast City Council are also involved and monitored by us as to the delivery of their work in addressing anti-social behaviour problems. With your help, our policing and community safety partnership can make a  real impact on those who wish to endanger our children and community through drug dealing and criminality. 

Taughmonagh Policing and Community Safety Partnership has made a real difference in this area. Help us to support and protect our children, families & elderly residents, and positively contribute to making Taughmonagh a safer environment for everyone. Report  crime, anti-social  behaviour, drug dealing and suspicious activity directly to the Police, or if applicable, the Housing Executive and Belfast City Council. Contact  numbers  and details  of the community safety work of all  these organisations are produced below. 

Taughmonagh Policing and Community Safety Partnership Minutes 

Reporting Crime Suspicious Activity or ASB to the Police

In an emergency don’t hesitate to dial 999 An example of an emergency is where serious injury has been caused or a crime is in progress and the suspects are at or near the scene. Police will react immediately, and usually be there in minutes.  Please be careful not to use 999 for non-emergencies…as somebody might require urgent help.

For a non-emergency dial 101 Your call will go to a Police Call Handling Unit, but it should still be local police that will call with you whenever resources are available.

Phone Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 totally anonymously and leave your information.



The Northern Ireland Housing Executive is a statutory agency that has a significant role to play in combating anti-social behaviour. The Housing Executive’s definition of Anti-social behaviour is;

  • when the behaviour of households or individuals in a neighbourhood adversely affects other people's use and enjoyment of their home or neighbourhood. 
  • In its most extreme form, anti-social behaviour can threaten the physical or mental health, or safety and security of individuals
Examples of anti-social behaviour can range from intimidation and racism to noise and boundary disputes.  In addition to nuisance to neighbours, the Housing Executive's current general conditions of tenancy stipulates that the tenant must ensure that other specific obligations are not broken. These obligations might involve for example,the state of repair and maintenance of a dwelling, or the parking of vehicles. They can, in certain circumstances, be interpreted as anti-social behaviour, if they result in nuisance or annoyance to neighbours and impact on the use and enjoyment of their home. It is important to note that the Housing Executive have a duty of care to their tenants and as such can take action against homeowners or privately rented occupiers who cause anti-social behaviour that impacts on Housing Executive tenants. Whether its playing loud music at all hours of the day and night, vandalism or harassment, anti-social behaviour cannot be tolerated. The Housing Executive believes that anyone who is causing distress, fear, nuisance and annoyance should take responsibility for their actions. 

The Housing (Northern Ireland) Order, 2003 gives the Housing Executive stronger powers to deal with antisocial behaviour:

Possession Proceedings
The grounds for seeking possession of a NIHE property due to anti-social behaviour have been widened. They now include:
  • Nuisance caused by visitors to a tenant’s home
  • Nuisance caused to anyone visiting or conducting business in an estate
  • The Executive may now seek possession on grounds of a criminal conviction for dealing drugs or other serious convictions or on grounds of domestic violence.
Injunction Proceedings
  • The Housing Executive can now seek an Injunction not only against a tenant but against anyone  causing a nuisance within the locality of their properties. An Injunction orders a person to stop the anti-social behaviour or not to enter a particular area. The punishment for breaching an injunction may be a prison sentence.
Introductory Tenancies
  • All new NIHE tenancies will be on an introductory basis. Anti-social behaviour during this first year could result in the loss of the tenancy.
  • Anyone  who  has  been  guilty   of  antisocial  behaviour  could  find  they  are  ineligible  for  housing assistance in  the future.The Northern Ireland Housing Executive is committed to improving the quality of life in this area, but they cannot do it without your help and support. If you are a Housing Executive tenant and you have a specific complaint about anyone causing a nuisance in your area, contact the Northern Ireland Housing Executive South & East Belfast Office as soon as possible on 08448 920 900.
You can also contact Colin Reid or Norman Earle from the Residents Association for help reporting anti-social behaviour


Belfast City Council is committed to working in partnership with police, other agencies and the community to tackle anti-social behaviour in the Taughmonagh area. Council staff will support the community to tackle anti-social behaviour like street drinking and rowdy behaviour therefore helping to reduce crime and the fear of crime. The Council will also work with local community and voluntary groups to address environmental issues such as litter, fly tipping and dog fouling. Belfast City Council also has a noise pollution section who respond to problems associated with noisy house parties etc.  Excessive noise can make life a misery. It is a source of irritation and stress for many people and can interfere with your rights to peaceful enjoyment in your home. The Council can offer help and advice. The Council will make every effort to resolve noise problems informally, but sometimes they may need to take legal action. 
You can report noise problems directly to the Council on  02890373006 or if you prefer you can email them on:  envhealth@belfastcity.gov.uk
If you encounter antisocial behaviour in your area, you can contact the Council's antisocial behaviour officer for South Belfast, Keith Addy on 07876686660

Taughmonagh Community Forum, supported by